Entire-Leaf Marsh Marigold
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Entire-Leaf Marsh Marigold
P Native Photo: Tabish
Common name: Entire-Leaf Marsh Marigold • Chinese: 花葶驴蹄草 Hua Ting Lu Ti Cao
Botanical name: Caltha scaposa    Family: Ranunculaceae (Buttercup family)
Synonyms: Caltha palustris var. scaposa

Entire-Leaf Marsh Marigold is a small with stems simple or branched, more than 3.5 cm tall, up to 24 cm at fruiting, 1-2 mm in diameter. Basal leaves are 3-10, long stalked; leaf-stalk 2.5-10 cm, base with membranous sheath. Leaf blade is heart-shaped-ovate or triangular-ovate, sometimes kidney-shaped, 1-3 x 1.2-2.8 cm, base deeply heart-shaped, margin entire or wavy, sometimes sparsely finely toothed, tip rounded. Stem leaves are shortly stalked or sometimes stalkless, small. Flowers are solitary, at branch-ends, or in pairs. Flower-stalks are more than 3 cm, up to 20 cm at fruiting. Sepals, which are petal-like, are 5-7, yellow, obovate, elliptic or ovate, 0.9-1.5 x 0.7-1.4 cm, tip rounded. Stamens are 3.5-7 mm; anthers oblong. Entire-Leaf Marsh Marigold is found in alpine meadows, wet places in valleys, at altitudes of 2800-4100 m, in China, Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal and N India. Flowering: June-September.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed beyond Tsomgo lake, Sikkim.

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